A post long due…

Miss Muffet

Wow, I just realized  that my last post was in March and we are now almost touching the end of this year. A lot has happened over the past year. The little girl is growing like a super fast train. She is almost touching Five in the next couple of months. Which means our days are now filled with where’s, why’s, hows, whats, whens and lot of those in repetitions throughout the day and we are having to search our brains to answer each of those questions patiently, be nice, and try to be as much  politically correct.



Product range

We have also taken Kaarukriti to the next level. It is a now a venture where we are taking customised orders of knick knacks, things for the home, personal use etc. So we are very excited and hoping things will move well from here onwards 🙂 As Nanny Mcphee would say, “Lesson no. 5 – Leap of Faith.” I definitely am holding on to it.


It is starting to get a little nippy here. If you have been reading my posts for as long as they have been written, you will know I always spoke about my little one with a sniffle and nasty cold. While that has now reduced but it has given way to Tonsilitis who visits us every month. Brings down the daughter with a fever and a sore throat 😦 With winter here, I am now praying, hoping and crossing my fingers to ensure Mr. Tonsilitis stays away from my child. Winter also brings about dryness, coarseness and the little one now understands things like rough skin, soft skin, is learning to take care of herself, is learning the nuances of moisturizing and nourishing. Call it an influence of television or friends, but she is getting conscious nonetheless. She has taken to using Boroline and Himalaya Baby Lotion all by herself. She keeps it by her bedside and not only slathers it all over herself but applies copious amounts of it on me too. I am not complaining. This is one brand that has stayed on with me ever since she has landed on this planet and I am happy with the results. It keeps her skin soft and nourished and has kept the skin allergies at bay.

You can visit my other blog kaarukriti.wordpress.com to know more about what I do in Kaarukriti and my newest venture.

Take care dearies while I go tuck Miss Muffet to sleep.  More tomorrow. Bye. Night Night.


About Now… a smoggy night.

About Madhavi

Mompreneur | Blogger | Painter | ... and on most days I am all of these and more if I manage to shake off the lazy air around me. I love reading and listening to human stories of survival, of creating a niche, of achievements and successes. I love it more when it is not a celebrity, when it is people around us. And even more striking when it is women. I love travelling and believe that essentially every human being is more or less the same, there is much more goodness and kindness in this world than what is made out to be and irrespective of territorial borders across the world, at a human level.. everyone wants just that... peace of mind and a home to belong. Utopian you think?! Nah! trust me.. it is a wonderful world out there.
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